Dead Space Console Commands

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class*args, **kw)

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class Meta
label = 'base'
description = 'Get and process AP elections data'
arguments = [(['date'], {'nargs': '*', 'help': 'Election date (e.g. '2015-11-03'; most common date formats accepted).', 'action': 'store'}), (['-t', '--test'], {'help': 'Use testing API calls', 'action': 'store_true'}), (['-n', '--not-live'], {'help': 'Do not use live data API calls', 'action': 'store_true'}), (['-d', '--data-file'], {'help': 'Specify data file instead of making HTTP request when using election commands like `elex results` and `elex races`.', 'action': 'store'}), (['--delegate-sum-file'], {'help': 'Specify delegate sum report file instead of making HTTP request when using `elex delegates`', 'action': 'store'}), (['--delegate-super-file'], {'help': 'Specify delegate super report file instead of making HTTP request when using `elex delegates`', 'action': 'store'}), (['--trend-file'], {'help': 'Specify trend file instead of making HTTP request when when using `elex [gov/house/senate]-trends`', 'action': 'store'}), (['--format-json'], {'help': 'Pretty print JSON when using `-o json`.', 'action': 'store_true'}), (['-v', '--version'], {'version': 'nElex version 2.4.3n', 'action': 'version'}), (['--results-level'], {'help': 'Specify reporting level for results.', 'action': 'store', 'default': 'ru'}), (['--officeids'], {'help': 'Specify officeids to parse.', 'action': 'store', 'default': None}), (['--raceids'], {'help': 'Specify raceids to parse.', 'action': 'store', 'default': []}), (['--set-zero-counts'], {'help': 'Override results with zeros; omits the winner indicator.Sets the vote, delegate, and reporting precinct counts to zero.', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}), (['--national-only'], {'help': 'Limit results to national-level results only.', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': None}), (['--local-only'], {'help': 'Limit results to local-level results only.', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': None}), (['--with-timestamp'], {'help': 'Append a `timestamp` column to each row of data output with current system timestamp.', 'action': 'store_true'}), (['--batch-name'], {'help': 'Specify a value for a `batchname` column to append to each row.', 'action': 'store'})]
Dead space console commands


Returns race data for a given election date.


Example output:



Returns reporting unit data for a given election date.


Reporting units represent geographic aggregation of voting data at thenational, state, county, and district level.




Returns candidate reporting unit data for a given election date.

A candidate reporting unit is a container for the results of a votingin a specific reporting unit. This command is a close cousin ofelex results <electiondate>.

This command does not return results.



This command can be used to quickly create schemas.

Will output:



Returns candidate data for a given election date.


Example output:



Returns ballot measure data for a given election date.


Example output:

2016-03-15-436974369712016-03-15For37229Public Improvement Bonds
2016-03-15-436984369822016-03-15Against37230Public Improvement Bonds


Returns result data.

Each row in the output represents a fully flattened anddenormalized version of a result for specific candidate ina specific race.


Example output:



Returns all elections known to the API.


Example output:



Returns delegate report data.


Example output:



Governor balance of power/trend report.


Example output:



House balance of power/trend report.


Example output:

DemU.S. House20120102011930+80


Senate balance of power/trend report.


Example output:

DemU.S. Senate23233053510+20


Returns data about the next election with an optional dateto start searching.


Dead Space Console Commands

Example output:


You can also specify the date to find the next election after, e.g.:

This will find the first election after April 15, 2016.



Returns data about the next election with an optional dateto start searching.


If no cache entries exist, elex will close with exit code 65.

class, **kw)
class Meta
label = 'elex'

alias of ElexBaseController

exit_on_close = True
hooks = [('post_setup', <function cachecontrol_logging_hook>), ('post_argument_parsing', <function add_election_hook>)]
extensions = ['elex.cli.ext_csv', 'elex.cli.ext_json']
output_handler = 'csv'
handler_override_options = {'output': (['-o'], {'help': 'output format (default: csv)'})}
log_handler = <cement.ext.ext_logging.LoggingLogHandler object>



Decorator that checks for date argument.


Decorator that checks for Associated Press API key or¶

overridable = True
render(data, template=None)


Dead Space Cheats 360

class elex.cli.ext_json.ElexJSONOutputHandler(*args, **kw)

A custom JSON output handler

Dead Space Console Commands List

class Meta
label = 'json'
overridable = True
render(data, template=None)


Dead Space Console Commands

Dead Space Cheat Codes

Cache election API object reference after parsing args.


Reroute cachecontrol logger to use cement log handlers.



Parse many date formats into an AP friendly format.


Total votes: 134
February 8, 2013 - 11:44am

Changing view:
Use a text editor to edit the 'system.txt' file in the '...[username]AppDataLocalEA GamesDead Space 3'
directory. Look for the following line: 'Window.FOVScale = 1.00000000'. The default setting is 1.0 for a field of view of 75 degrees. For a view similar to the original Dead Space, change it to '1.2'. Changing it to '1.5' will give you an even wider view. Note: Change the 'Window.WideScreen' line to 'True' if you are using a 16:9 monitor.

Increasing frame rate:
Normally, Dead Space 3 defaults to 30 FPS, regardless of your monitor's refresh rate. However, you can increase the frame rate to 60 FPS using the following steps. First, go to the in-game video settings menu, disable Vsync, and then exit the game. Open your video card control panel, and enable Vsync (either
globally or for Dead Space 3 specifically). Then, start Dead Space 3 again, and the FPS should now be at 60 FPS instead of 30 FPS. Note: If you do not enable Vsync in the video card control panel, you may have choppy frame rates, screen
tearing, and even video card overheating.

N7 armor:
Have a saved game file from Mass Effect 3 to get the N7 armor from that game.

Planet Cracker Plasma Cutter:
Have a saved game file from Dead Space 2 to get the Planet Cracker Plasma Cutter when you reach the first workbench.

Defeating enemies more easily:
Whenever you exit through a doorway or stand inside or near an elevator, enemies will leave the area. When enemies ambush you in a room accessed through an elevator or door, return to the elevator or door and wait. All nearby enemies will instantly retreat, giving you plenty of time to reload and heal. Then, slowly leave the elevator or door's range until the enemies return. Stay nearby, and you can easily step back into range of the elevator or door to get them to retreat again. Additionally, try using Stasis on a single enemy before standing near an elevator or door. The rest of the enemies will retreat, allowing you to kill each enemy one at a time. Note: This trick does not work on ladders. This trick works on most elevators and doors, but there maybe an elevator or door it does not work on. This trick can also sometimes make enemies in some rooms freeze or begin to act as if Isaac cannot be seen.

Hidden message:
Take the first letter of each chapter and arrange them in order to spell out the message 'Brother moons are awake'.

Dead Space Console Commands Free

Unlimited items:
Reach the area near the end of Chapter 8 and look for a small building that must be entered by side-stepping a corrugated metal fence. The correct building has a generator to the right, bunk beds to the left, and an exit door ahead. Once inside, leave the room through the door ahead of the beds. After the door closes, turn around and re-enter the room. A random item will appear near the beds. Exit the room from the same door, wait for the door to close, then re-enter to repeat the process. The items are random, and may be sold or crafted.

Reach the end of Chapter 13 and defeat the Boss. An auto-save icon will appear while you move into a large snowy field scattered with crates. Do not continue to the exit. Collect the tungsten and items from the crates.
Then, pause game play and select the 'Save And Quit' option to return to the main menu. Next, select the 'Continue From Last Save' option to return to the start of the snowy field area. The items in the crates will have respawned and can be collected again as many times as desired.

Circuit sets:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding circuit set.

+3 Clip circuit set : Complete the game under the Casual difficulty.
+3 Damage circuit set : Complete the game under the Impossible difficulty.
+3 Reload circuit set : Complete the game under the Normal difficulty.
+3 Speed circuit set : Complete the game under the Hard difficulty.
Builder's circuit set : Collect all twelve blueprints
Comms circuit set : Collect all thirty six audio logs.
Crafter's circuit set : Collect all seventy three weapon parts.
Research circuit set : Collect all thirty five text logs.

Dead Space Console Commands For Windows 10

Mk-II items:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding item.

Mk-II Overclock parts set: Complete Pure Survival mode in a New Game+.
Mk-II Overclocked attachment Set: Collect all sixty one circuits.
MK-II Overclocked Frame set: Complete all ten optional missions.
MK-II Overclocked Module set: Collect all seventy one logs.
Mk-II Overclocked Tip set: Collect all forty artifacts.

Game Completion Rewards:
By completing... receive a:
Casual +3 CLP Circuit Set
Normal +3 RLD Circuit Set
Hard +3 SPD Circuit Set
Impossible +3 DMG Circuit Set

Pure Survival Mode:
Enemies only drop resources, and theres no ammo, health, or weapon parts to be found. Completion unlocks the MK-II Overclocked Parts Set and a Mega Resource Deposit.
New Game+:
New Game+ is unlocked after you complete the game once. Your inventory will stay the same, but your chapter progress is reset.
Hardcore Mode:
Hardcore mode is harder then the Hard and Impossible modes, you can only save three times during the entire campaign and you're limited to 1 existence. Upon completion you unlock the 'Devil Horns', a very special weapon, similar to the foam finger from Dead Space 2.
Retro Mode:
Complete Hardcore mode to unlock the Retro Mode.
Classic Mode:
The Classic Mode is a rewind to the original Dead Space. Single-player only, with no cross-hairs or any resource management elements.

Collectable Rewards:
By collecting... unlock the:
All Weapon Parts Crafter's Circuit Set
All Blueprints Builder's Circuit Set
All Circuits MK-II Overclocked Attachment Set
All Logs MK-II Overclocked Module Set
All Text Logs Research Circuit Set
All Audio Logs Comms Circuit Set
All Artifacts MK-II Overclocked Tip Set
All EarthGov EarthGov Circuit Set
All Unitology Unitology Circuit Set
All SCAF SCAF Circuit Set
All Alien Alien Circuit Set

Unlockable Suits:
To unlock the... have to:
Deep Dig Suit Collect all weapon parts.
Flight Suit Collect all artifacts.
Hostile Environment Suit Complete all 10 optional missions.
Dead Space Legends Suit Set Complete the game.
First Contact Outfit Included in the Limited Edition.
Witness Suit Included in the Limited Edition.

Optional Missions Reward:
By completing all 10 optional missions you receive a Hostile Environment Suit and the MK-II Overclocked Frame Set.

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