In this video, we will talk about setting up V-Ray Displacement in Maya and rendering in Vray.Cloud. Let's learn how to quickly configure tiling for the all textures by using a single node and install a script converter for Maya, with which you can quickly download customized PBR materials from the Poliigon website.
Video content:
00:00 - 00:18 - Intro
00:18 - 1:59 - Customize V-Ray Displacement in Maya. Setting the view and render in Vray.Cloud. Using V-Ray Quick Settings.
1:59 - 3:04 - Turn on the Auto White Balance and Auto Exposure. Transfer to selected camera option.
3:04 - 5:18 - Adjust the lighting. Customize texture tiling with Place 2D Texture. Render new result in Vray.Cloud.
5:18 - 7:56 - Help tab and Tools and Add-ons. Download and install a converter script for Maya. Downloading metal, wood, tile and sunflower materials from the Poliigon website.
7:56 - 10:48 - About the settings of the script-converter.
10:48 - 11:21 - The ending. Video preview of other lessons. A subscription button, as well as a button for support on Patreon.
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Enjoy watching!
Best regards, Andrew Krivulya aka Charly.
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound'
#poliigon #textures #vraynextmaya
14.8K subscribers Download the material file and extract it into a folder on your computer. In Cinema 4D, open the drop-down menu: ScriptUser Scripts and click 'Run Script.' Navigate to the unzipped material converter folder and select the 'InstallerPoliigonMaterialConverter'.
- I'm can't seem to convert a VRay Multi-Subobject to MR with the script. Mat 1 is a 'VRayMtl.' It has a.jpg in the dissuse, reflect and bump slots. Mat 2 is a 'VRay2SidedMtl' and has 'VRayMtl' in the 'Front material.' It uses no maps. When I convert, only Mat 1 converts to MR and Mat2 does nothing.
- V-RayMtl Converter 3. The professional tool for automating such a time-consuming process as converting of materials, maps and other scene components (lights, cameras, proxy etc) from different renderer engines into V-Ray, as well as to reverse the conversion of V-Ray materials into Standard (legacy) materials (which is very useful for game developers, 3d modelers, etc).