1 Year Limited Warranty
Accessories: DRYFiles Specs
How to open with lost combination. Fireking Meilink MK14091MGC. 1 Answer I have a Meilink safe that I have had for many. Fireking Meilink MK14091MGC. Jul 22, 2011 Need combination to my Meilink safe. Number on dial knob: S83040 - Answered by a verified Expert We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. I bought this Meilink safe at auction. Sadly, the safe is locked and the combination is not available. The VERY FIRST thing you do is call the manufacturer and ask them if they have a default combination when they ship the safe. Most safes with combinations that can be changed ship with the factory combination,.
According to end users, the most important documents to store in a fireproof file are?
Our research has identified the top five reasons businesses currently or not currently using fireproof records protection will consider purchasing FireKing products are:1.) To protect records needed to prove losses to their insurance company.2.) No need to take chances when a fireproof file is an investment that will last the lifetime of the business.3.) Fire can cause major damage in an individual office even if the building doesn’t catch fire. 4.) Lost accounting records can dramatically affect a company’s financial health.5.) Because no building is really fireproof.Protecting records for insurance claims was perceived as more important than protecting accounting records; and, fireproof files were viewed as an investment, not an expense like some other office equipment such as copiers, computers, faxes etc.
Are all FireKing files impact tested?
FireKing files carry Underwriters' Laboratories 1-hour fire and impact rating. To earn the the UL Impact rating a fully loaded file cabinet is heated to 1550 degrees Fahrenheit for one-half hour and then dropped 30 feet onto a bed of rubble. It is then placed back in the oven at 1550 degrees for another 30 minutes. The contents must survive this test to earn the rating.
Are the filing cabinets waterproof?
No. FireKing Classic Commercial Files have passed the ETL water resistant test. All FireKing files are designed to be water resistant against fire hose and sprinkler systems after the insulated product is exposed to heat.
Are these products really fireproof?
No product on the market is totally fire proof. The actual UL classification is for fire resistancebased on the product’s tested and proven ability to resist fires of specific temperatures andlengths. These tests are based on the types and duration of fires experienced by the vastmajority of businesses
At what temperatures does Computer media begins to breakdown and become useless?
Computer media such as film is different from paper records. Film will be rendered useless at temperatures above 125 degrees Fahrenheit and above 80% relative humidity. Why is this important? Computer media needs extra protection. That's why we offer special products just for computer media such as our MediaVault and data safes. They maintain an inside temperature of less than 125 and 80 percent relative humidity.
Bypass Feature Troubleshooting
Can I have a different lock than what is in the picture?
You can choose which lock that you would like for each safe on the product guide.
Color Selections for insulated filing cabinets
Data Safes DS and DM Models Warranty
Do you offer international service?
Yes, we do, for more information call (812) 948-8400 ext. 3014 for Fire King Customer Service
Does FireKing modify cabinetry or perform carpentry services?
No, technicians perform safe repairs and installations. However, FireKing will consult with you on your custom needs to ensure you get the best results from your new safe.
Drawer Head Troubleshooting
FB2114 Depository Specs
Files: Cutaway Spec Sheet
Fire + Burglary Safe Warranty
Fire King Catalog 2020
Fire King Storage Cabinet Product Video
FireKing Burn Test: What happens to a filing cabinet in a fire?
FireKing Card Check and Note File Cabinet
FireKing Catalog Specifications
FireKing Data Safes
FireKing Data Safes: Data Safe Capacity Chart
FireKing Deposit Safe Product Video
FireKing Drop Test: What happens to a filing cabinet in a fire?
FireKing File and Storage Cabinet Limited Warranty
FireKing File Cabinet Survives CA Wildfires
FireKing Fire Resistant Safes (Not Data Safes) Limited Warranty
FireKing Fireproof Product Specs
FireKing Home Safes Limited Warranty
FireKing Lateral File Product Video
FireKing MediaVault Limited Warranty
FireKing Personal Safes
FireKing Safe In A File
FireKing Security Composite Safes
FireKing Trim Safe Product Video
FireKing Vertical File Cabinets
Fireproof Storage Cabinet For End Tab Filing
FireShield by FireKing Product Video
FireShield Limited Warranty
Hinge Troubleshooting
How do you calculate how many inches of filing space are in a cabinet?
Let’s use a 4-2131-C for an example. Take the inside depth of the cabinet, 26”, and multiply that by the number of drawers, 4. So, 26 * 4 = 104
How do you calculate how many papers can be filed in a file cabinet?
Because people tend to file differently (some use many file folders some use only a few) and because people file different types of papers (catalogues vs. single sheets) the best way to calculate how many papers can be filed in a cabinet is to measure one inch worth of the materials you plan to file.Then count however many papers/items are in that inch and multiply that by the interior depth of the drawer. The resulting number is how many papers can be filed in each drawer.
How it's Made: FireKing Filing Cabinets
Meilink Safe Models
How long after a fire should I wait to open my FireKing cabinet?
Default Combination For Meilink Safe Download
Wait until you can comfortably rest your hand on the cabinet before you open it, to avoid thedanger of spontaneous combustion of its contents. While you can artificially cool down thecabinet with water, it can give a false impression of how cool the interior may be, so be very careful.